Ecological raid in the Tashkent region
02. 2019

During February 8 of this year. raids by state inspectors of the State Committee on Ecology revealed the fact of illegal cutting of trees on the territory of the Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanization located at Gulbakhor, Samarkand Street, D-41 in Yangiyul District of Tashkent Region.

During the inspection of the territory of the institute, state inspectors discovered cutting 2 trees (Chinara - 1 unit, ash - 1 unit). The employees of the institute could not submit relevant permits for tree felling.

In this connection, the state inspectors with the participation of employees of the Institute drafted an act on the violation of legislation in the field of the protection and use of plant world. According to preliminary calculations, environmental damage amounted to 62.94 million soums.

Currently, materials on this offense are committed to law enforcement agencies for the adoption of measures provided for by current legislation.


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