GREEN UNIVERSITY: An important step towards the development of environmental education in Uzbekistan The trend of increasing anthropogenic impact on ecosystems is observed everywhere in different regions of the world. The territory of Central Asia is not an exception either.
07. 2023

Ecologists are increasingly talking about the need to change society's attitude to nature, its unique objects and non-renewable resources. How can this attitude to the environment be changed if several generations of the planet's inhabitants have grown up with the idea of the inexhaustibility of natural resources and the need to use them to ensure their well-being?
Of course, there is a need for legislative regulation of the use of natural resources, a transition to modern water, energy and resource saving technologies, etc. But without the formation of an understanding of the value of nature in a person, the skills of caring for its objects, it is not possible to achieve the desired goal.
And this is only possible through the formation of systemic ecological knowledge, ecological culture of the population, eco-oriented worldview, primarily among young people, who make up a large part of the population in the Central Asian region. To solve this difficult task, it is necessary to establish a system of consistent and continuous ecological education and upbringing at all levels of education. This is a task primarily for educational institutions. At the same time, this is an important task for families, mahalla, public associations, and the media, which play a significant role in shaping a person.
In the context of the increasing globalization of environmental problems, special attention Is required to involve civil society institutions in environmental protection, adaptation to climate change, increasing ecological culture, forming an eco-consciousness among young people, and ensuring continuity of environmental education in educational institutions.
In March of this year, at the initiative of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of Uzbekistan, substantive work began on the formation of the Central Asian University of Environmental Protection, which aims to prepare highly qualified specialists in the fields of environmental science and nature conservation practice for government agencies, enterprises and institutions.
The result of this was the adoption by the Head of state of a special Decree on the creation of a unique scientific, educational and implementation complex - the Central Asian International University for the Study of the Environment and Climate Change (GREEN UNIVERSITY). This became another important initiative of Uzbekistan in the field of environmental protection and confirmation of Uzbekistan's commitment to the priorities of state environmental policy.
Currently, there is an active process of forming the structure and faculty of the university, material and technical base of laboratories, book funds, educational plans and programs of the new educational institution.
The experience of leading specialized higher education institutions in the world will be used in the organization of the Central Asian University of Ecology, and the best domestic and foreign professors are planned to be invited for teaching and scientific activities.
During the preparation of proposals for the creation of the University by specialists of the Scientific-Information Center of the Interstate Coordination Water Commission, a study was conducted on the activities of higher educational institutions in Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Poland, Israel, the United States, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, Spain, France, and China that train specialists in the field of nature conservation.

The main tasks and directions of the University include the preparation of highly qualified personnel in the field of environmental protection using modern innovative and scientific-educational technologies, the latest achievements in science and technology in accordance with national and international educational standards; the creation of a system of continuous education for the training, retraining, and qualification improvement of scientific and scientific-educational personnel in the field of ecology; conducting fundamental and applied scientific research on current directions of ecological science; introducing the experience of leading foreign educational institutions in the educational process; developing and strengthening long-term cooperation with leading educational institutions, research centers, business communities, and international ecological organizations of foreign countries, etc.
The University will become a unique ECOHAB (campus), providing integration of education, science, and production in the field of conservation and rational use of natural resources, adaptation to climate change, as well as the basic higher educational institution of Central Asia for training qualified personnel and coordinating scientific and research work in the field of ecology and climate.
Undoubtedly, the creation of such an educational institution will allow solving a whole range of tasks provided for by the Concept of Development of Environmental Education in the Republic of Uzbekistan, and will serve as personnel support for the implementation of tasks to improve the environmental situation in the country and the Central Asian region as a whole.

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