Illegal logging of trees was promptly responded to in the Jizzakh region
07. 2023

On July 22 of this year at 23:00, the Ecology Department of the Jizzakh region received a report from local residents about illegal logging of trees in the Zarbdar district. To investigate the situation, an operational group consisting of inspectors from the Ecology Department and employees of the Zarbdar district police department arrived at the scene at 23:30.

It was found that on the territory of the A.Navoi  in the Zarbdar district, along the A-473 highway, two citizens, A.U. and Z.S., illegally cut down two coniferous trees, one of which had dried up.

As a result of the investigation, the violators' vehicle loaded with trees was taken to the impound lot.

A protocol was drawn up against citizens A.U. and Z.S. in accordance with Article 79, Part 1 of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan "Illegal felling, clearing, damage, destruction or transplantation of trees, shrubs, other plants and young growth," which carries a penalty ranging from 5 to 10 BRV.

It should be noted that during the moratorium period, the fine for illegal damage to trees and shrubs not included in the state forest fund is increased fivefold, and the amount of damage caused to the plant world is doubled.

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