In Bukhara, 7 violations were identified, and the compensation amount was 70 million sums
12. 2023

An operational group consisting of employees of the Environmental Control Inspection and regional divisions of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change conducted raids in the Jandar and Peshkun districts of the Bukhara region.

During the raids, 7 violations were identified. In particular, in 4 cases, the fact of illegal felling of saxaul trees was established. Administrative protocols were drawn up against 4 violators under Article 79, Part 1 of the Administrative Code. Each violator was fined 5 BRV, amounting to 1,700,000 sums, with a total amount of 6,800,000 sums. It was also estimated that a total damage of 50,760,000 sums was caused to nature. The violators will have to pay the specified fine and the amount of damage.

At the same time, the fact of illegal possession of hunting weapons by three residents of the region was established. They were detained while hunting before causing harm to animals. According to Article 90, Part 1 of the Administrative Code, a fine of 10 BRV, amounting to 3,400,000 sums, was imposed on each of the violators. In total, the violators face a fine of 10,200,000 sums.

For information: operational measures for environmental control continue in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Navoi, Bukhara, and Khorezm regions starting from November 1, 2023. .

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