"Month of Beautification": 461.2 thousand tons of garbage were cleared from the republic
09. 2023

On the eve of the 32nd anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the "Month of Beautification" was held throughout the republic.

During the month, clean-up activities were carried out in all regions. In particular, the Khorezm region was cleared of 32,395 tons of solid household and other types of waste.

In addition, 18.9 thousand tons of waste were placed in landfills in the Surkhandarya region, 29.8 thousand tons in the Namangan region, 24.5 thousand tons in the Andijan region, 22.6 thousand tons in the Tashkent region, and 63.2 thousand tons in the Samarkand region. Other regions were also cleared of garbage.

In total, 461.2 thousand tons of household waste were removed and placed in landfills from the regions during the month. In addition, 909 waste collection points were repaired.

During the "Month of Beautification", 4,039 violations were identified, and administrative fines were imposed in the amount of more than 3 billion soums.

For information, the goal of the "Month of Beautification" is to further expand the scope of work on beautification and landscaping, improve social and production infrastructure, and improve the well-being of the population through the improvement of micro-district territories based on the "mahalla-apartment" principle.

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