By Presidential Decree (PD-46 dated 03/11/2024), amendments and additions were made to the Decree "On measures to streamline the extraction of non-metallic materials in reservoirs".
According to the document, from May 1, 2024, an indefinite moratorium on the extraction of non-metallic materials in the Syrdarya riverbed will be established. Liability for damage caused to nature as a result of illegal mining activities will also be strengthened.
For information: On January 17, 2024, it was adopted Decree No. PD-14 "On measures to streamline the extraction of non-metallic materials in reservoirs". Following this, an indefinite moratorium on the extraction of non-metallic materials in the beds of the Chirchik, Sangzor, Zarafshan, Naryn, Kashkadarya, and Surkhandarya rivers has been established since May 1 of this year. Now the Syrdarya has been added to this list.
According to the Decree, the washed-out banks of the Syr Darya River will be strengthened. At the same time, measures will be taken to restore and rehabilitate the natural state of degraded lands in the coastal area of the river.
During the moratorium period, the amount of recovery for damage to nature caused by illegal extraction of sand and gravel materials from riverbeds, coastal areas, and water protection zones will be increased 10 times.